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About Ken
Justice Ken Wise was appointed to the 14th Court of Appeals by Governor Rick Perry in October 2013. Prior to his appointment, Justice Wise served as the Judge of the 334th Judicial District Court in Harris County and Judge of the 152nd Judicial District Court in Harris County. In 2011, the 59 District Judges in Harris County elected Justice Wise to lead them as Local Administrative Judge. Justice Wise is an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Law Center.
Justice Wise earned his bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University, where he competed as a member of the intercollegiate rodeo team. Justice Wise graduated from the University of Houston Law Center where he was a member of the Order of the Barristers.
Justice Wise is very active in the service of the bar and the judiciary. He is a Commissioner on the Texas Access to Justice Commission and a member of the Texas Multi-District Litigation Panel. He co-chaired a State Bar task force that conducted the first complete study of the Texas Court system since 1894. Justice Wise also serves as a member of the Supreme Court Task Force on Historic Court Record Preservation. He has also served as a multi-district litigation judge as well as a visiting judge in counties across the State of Texas. Justice Wise also served three terms on the Harris County Juvenile Probation Board.
Justice Wise is an avid Texas historian. He hosts the award-winning podcast Wise About Texas, which reaches hundreds of thousands of listeners in 138 countries around the world. He has published numerous historical articles and is a sought-after speaker on Texas history.
A native Houstonian, Justice Wise has been very active in the Houston community. Justice Wise is a director of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and an advisory director of the Former Texas Ranger Foundation.
Justice Wise is a fifth-generation native Texan. He is married to Sara Wise and they have two children, Sarah Jane and Jackson.
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